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*Material preliminar y de prueba con el objetivo de mostrar la propuesta gráfica, la presentación de lo que nos proponemos y el contenido de la Revista Búsquedas.

Author: Gladys Jimeno


May 29, 2005

The truth is simply the present and what is in it. We do not see it, but sometimes it peeks out at us. In that instant we can be one with the universe, with the origin, with nothingness. There are no veils, for an instant there are no separations.

Each moment brings with it the possibility for a blank space.

Can I hold on without clinging to anything? Can I? Paradoxically, it is only when I find myself on the inner movement: letting go, emptying, allowing the light to penetrate and invade gently and softly, and at the same time persistently, that I can move along.

The goal is not emptiness, the goal is to live in permanent purpose… of being… of not being. To live being present with the circulation of the energy in movement, always letting go, passing as the wind passes through the threads of the cobwebs, without attaching itself.

* * *

By being more subtle each time, I feel truer. But I cannot want to be subtle. That cannot be a purpose. Subtlety comes by honesty with myself. In the gentleness with which I can allow me to look at myself, not stunned, but at rest. Without perplexity, without pretense.


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