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What is the search? What are the quests?

These are the underlying questions, further questions about life, humanity, earth, peoples, nations and cultures, wars, human suffering, indifference, what am I, what is the deep meaning of my existence, yours, ours.

Attempts to find answers to these inquiries can expose us to an inner emptiness, confronting us with a deep malaise at the core of our feeling, with our shared humanity, and, perhaps, with our conscience or soul. Something stirs; it does not allow us to accept as normal so much human suffering that we clearly see as useless and painful. And it also hurts to encounter great indifference. To suffer without complaining, accepting it, without becoming a victim is praiseworthy; to suffer with others, living compassion, is important, but it is still insufficient.

Why do we exist in this manner? Just as a bottomless mirror, the same question comes back to us: why do I exist here, why do I live, what is the meaning of our life?

An inner search is born from our dissatisfaction with what is there, which is neither fair nor beautiful, but suffering; from our discomfort with the emptiness that we are, seeing ourselves as passive spectators of a meaningless life.

We are seeking, because there are questions buried within, seeds-questions of restlessness, perhaps of possible hopes of another form of life where my existence can have a meaning.

This is the search that drives us here in this magazine, the spiritual search in its diverse and possible forms and paths: “Búsquedas”.

We seek to briefly touch that sensation of existing by treading the paths that lead us to know our inner self, to discover our submerged conscience and connect us to the ever reborn universal life.

For this reason, a group of people who have come across questions founded the magazine “Búsquedas”, which is open to discover life, being, individual and universal conscience.

A ir hacia lo que nos invita Michel de Salzmann: To move towards what Michel de Salzmann invites us: “The secret vocation of each person is to become oneself. The greatest obstacle is all the ideas one has about oneself. To keep asking oneself the question: Who am I?”1

Búsquedas is a space to share the common spiritual search from several points of view, one from the Work in the Teaching of George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff that we, who founded Búsquedas, share as a common path, and from other currents, traditions, spiritual experiences of inquiry from the East and West.

“Búsquedas” is a free, safe and respectful digital space in which different voices and inner searches can gather, transmit and share, from their experiences and understandings. In this way, a network will be gradually woven, between contexts, countries, spaces and ages, based on the plurality and sincerity of a work and a free and direct search.

“Búsquedas” gathers texts, notebooks, poems, reflections, re-readings of texts through new perspectives, book reviews, interviews, photographs, images, among others, so that they can be shared and generate a living network towards the growth of the being.

In the same way, it encourages dialogue between different schools, points of view, religious and spiritual currents and approaches, so that they can nourish the search of those who write and of the readers.

We recognize the value of the efforts and quests of many people, in times when there is a lot of literature on “paths”. In this space we want to host and encourage this debate of quests from direct experiences that crystallize knowledge, awareness of being and animate the desire to be.

Ideas, teachings and experiences are something alive that deeply mark each person or search groups, and produce a real influence in the world. And they can lead us to walk through the hope of consciousness, which is strength, and consciousness of self, which is the door to the freedom of being.

A sumarse a estos intentos de Búsquedas es que les invitamos.

Gladys Jimeno

Gabriela Suárez

Germánico Pinto

David Pinto

  1. Notes presented and written by Jean-Pierre Marville and Juan Martínez. Notes sur le travail intérieur en question with Michel de Salzmann. P. 73. La bibliothèque de l’homme rusé. 7. Éditions Éoliennes, 2023. ISSN: 2257-9818. ISBN: 978-2-37672-060-7 ↩︎